Monday, October 09, 2006

Final Reel of Basic Foundations

Animation: Progress Reel of "Basic foundations"

First semester in AM has been done, finally.
This is all about how apply priciples into animation and some basic practices.
I rerendered it all and tried to make this quality as high as possible.
All comments or critiqes are super welcome!!
Give me some words, please.

P.S. Sorry I skiped few weeks, I was too busy to upload them.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

AM Week 105

Pose "STU" in Devastation Pose

Animaiton: Ball & Obstacle

Revision: Bowling & Tennis

AM Week 104

Animaiton: Bowling and Tennis

Excitement Pose Revision

AM Week 103


Sketech about excitement

Pose "STU" in excitement pose

Animation: Basketball

This was my first experience about animated bouncing ball. Although I had reference which is took by Trevor, still tough applied into animation. I thought if I can animated this ball more realistic and it could be great animation. I was wrong, very wrong!!
So after used reference to check about timing, I adjust curve by my mind. Even I still wanted to do it realistic, I just change a subtle thing to make it more like animaiton.
Is it works?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

AM Week 102

Contribution : Pose, Sketch, Lighting.
Completion Date : July 2006
Software : Alias Maya, Adobe Photoshop.

Second week in Animation Mentor. I sketched these pose from people in De Young Museum. and I chose a relaxed pose to posed "STU".

first demo reel

Demo Reel for Animation Mechanic spring2006 @ AAU

Contribution : Animaiotn, Lighting.
Completion Date : April 2006
Length : 50 sec
File Size : 12.5 mb
Software : Alias Maya, Adobe Premiere.

This is my first demo reel which was done in last semester at AAU.
I practiced fishing, wushu, walkcycle and lip synch(Sissy Man).

I wish this reel can make you laugh, I tried to do this reel as funny as posible.

PS.I know the walkcycle in this reel is horrible, I am trying to make it better. Please give me your comment about this. Thanks.